Trep podcast,  Can entreprenuers express deeply held values, ethics, and principles?

Trep podcast, Can entreprenuers express deeply held values, ethics, and principles?

Can Treps express deeply held values, ethics, and principles? with Joni Moore of Snacktivist

Guest: Joni Moore
Hosts: Sarah & Russell Mann
Recording Date: 2021/01/11

Title: Can Treps express deeply held values, ethics, and principles? with Joni Moore of Snacktivist

We chat with Joni Moore, a Trep who started a B-Corp called Snacktivist to find out if a Trep can express her values in the area of food systems. She has her sights set on ethical food system sustainability at a global level, and chose doing business to make that change. Find out about the special B-Corp second bottom line. What challenges does Joni face that you can help with?

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