Joni Vlogs
Say Ancient Grains: The Heart + Soul of Our Mis...
Joni Kindwall-Moore unboxes the importance of ancient grains, such as millets and sorghum, and why they are the core to our mission here at Snacktivist.
Say Ancient Grains: The Heart + Soul of Our Mis...
Joni Kindwall-Moore unboxes the importance of ancient grains, such as millets and sorghum, and why they are the core to our mission here at Snacktivist.
Say Goodbye to Egg Substitutes
Welcome to our new series: Joni Vlogs! Join Snacktivist founder and CEO Joni Kindwall-Moore as she discusses issues surrounding farming + food and efforts to solve those problems - efforts that Snacktivist...
Say Goodbye to Egg Substitutes
Welcome to our new series: Joni Vlogs! Join Snacktivist founder and CEO Joni Kindwall-Moore as she discusses issues surrounding farming + food and efforts to solve those problems - efforts that Snacktivist...